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Learn how to handle long URLs on social media using Google Sheets and 0CodeKit. This guide shows you how to shorten URLs, making posts cleaner & more engaging.
Want to understand your competition better? Learn how to automate competitor ad analysis with simple tools like Make, Google Sheets, and Google Drive.
Learn how to automate content creation by converting YouTube videos into blog posts using tools like Make, ChatGPT, YouTube, Google Sheets, and WordPress.
Discover an easy way to convert and automate hand-written or digital notes into detailed summaries just by using Make, Dropbox, and 0CodeKit.
Learn how to automate UTM tracking using Google Sheets, 0CodeKit, and social media platforms. Save time, avoid mistakes, and improve your campaign performance.
Convert CSV files into JSON using 0CodeKit in Make. This blog covers all the steps from connecting FTP servers to sending JSON to APIs for data exchange.
Learn how to use 0CodeKit’s JavaScript Executor to detect duplicates, sort data, and more with JS examples. No coding skills required with our code generators!
Check for duplicate items in shopping lists, find temperatures below 20 degrees, and get accurate YouTube transcripts with 0CodeKit's Python Code Executor.
Learn how to identify online ad clicks that are fraudulent and to use automated detection to protect your budget by identifying and blocking fake clicks.
Learn how to automate entity extraction from Google Drive documents and save the data into Google Sheets using 0CodeKit's Entity Detector.
Explore our 3 practical use cases with Zapier to simplify tasks like scheduled image generation, data visualization, and BMI assessments.
Prioritize local SEO for long-term success. Learn how 0CodeKit's API simplifies image analysis, boosts rankings and enhances visibility in local search results.
Optimize JavaScript operations with 0CodeKit by focusing on efficiency and performance. Prioritize efficiency, save resources for productive, sustainable apps.
Explore the exciting world of JavaScript API calls! Learn how to improve your web development with efficient data exchange, real-time updates & robust security.
Learn how and 0CodeKit can transform your business processes. From verifying emails and parsing UTM parameters to running Python code.
Translate languages, prioritize urgent messages, correct emails, extract image data, optimize code, and schedule communications with 0CodeKit's AI tools.