0CodeKit + Zapier Use Cases: Practical Automations

Explore our 3 practical use cases with Zapier to simplify tasks like scheduled image generation, data visualization, and BMI assessments.

May 30, 2024

We have come up with some interesting automations featuring 0CodeKit and Zapier applications. These integrations are meant to optimize tasks and the rate and speed of operations. Let's dive right in!

1. Scheduled Image Generation

Application Overview

Schedule by Zapier

With Schedule by Zapier, users can program tasks to recur at certain times. This application allows the user to decide the frequency in which a task happens – daily, weekly, any periods of time – and if the tasks should involve weekends or just weekdays

0CodeKit's Generate Images

The Generate Images’ endpoint of 0CodeKit is an application that can make customized images based on instructions. It is an AI-based application which is designed to convert text-based prompts into beautiful images. It centers on customization as the users can request the number of images they need and their size.

Automation Workflow


  • Setup: Use Schedule by Zapier to decide when the image generation should happen.


  • Setup: Use 0CodeKit's Generate Images to create your desired images. Then, enter what you want the image to show, decide how many images to make, and choose the image size.
  • Note: Users need to have their 0CodeKit account and API Key to use this application.

Real-Life Examples

  • Social Media Posts: Automatically generate and share a new image on social media profiles to keep your audience engaged and inspired.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Create promotional images to include in email newsletters or marketing materials, helping to consistently reach and engage with subscribers with fresh content.

2. Tables to Charts

Application Overview

Zapier Tables

Zapier Tables makes data organization and automation easy for users without coding skills. Users can store, modify, and automate their data using one tool.

0CodeKit's Generate Chart

This useful tool from 0CodeKit is used to generate charts from a structured input of data. In addition to bar chart, it provides other chart choices such as pie chart and line chart. This application uses artificial intelligence to generate charts from textual descriptions or properly formatted input data. Furthermore, the width, height, color of chart background, and title of the chart can also be adjusted.

Automation Workflow


  • Setup: Create a module in Zapier Tables and select the event that triggers the automation (e.g., New or Updated Record).  
  • Note: Users must have a pre-existing table in Zapier to link to this automation.


  • Setup: Create a module in 0CodeKit's Generate Bar Chart. Specify parameters such as data, labels, width, height, background color, and chart title.
  • Note: Users need to have their 0CodeKit account and API Key to use this application.

Real-Life Examples

  • Sales Performance Dashboard: Automatically generate a chart displaying sales performance as new sales data is added or updated in Zapier Tables.
  • Survey Results Visualization: Create charts to visualize survey responses stored in Zapier Tables, updating dynamically as new responses come in.
  • Project Progress Tracking: Generate charts to track and display the progress of various tasks or achievements in a project management table.

3. BMI Chatbot Assessment

Application Overview

Zapier Chatbots

Zapier Chatbots enables the users to build AI-based chatbots for performing several functions, such as answering questions, solving concerns, and building leads. This tool uses automation to reduce interaction complexities and, thus, improve user interactions.

0CodeKit's BMI Calculator

The BMI Calculator is an app by 0CodeKit that can prove useful for calculating Body Mass Index, or BMI, with the help of inputs concerning the height and weight of a human being. Moreover, it is crucial to recognize that the application provides other essential features, such as classification, suggested daily calorie intake, and necessary nutrient intake.

Workflow Automation


  • Setup: Users create a module in Zapier Chatbots and select trigger events such as Chatbot Button Click, Chatbot Conversation Completed, or New Chatbot Feedback.  
  • Note: Users must have a pre-existing chatbot in Zapier to link to this automation.


  • Setup: Users must only create a "BMI Calculator" module. Then, they set parameters such as the person's height and weight to initiate BMI calculations.
  • Note: Users need to have their 0CodeKit account and API Key to utilize this application.

Real-Life Examples

  • Health & Wellness Programs: A wellness chatbot integrated with BMI calculations can offer users personalized fitness and dietary recommendations based on their BMI results.
  • Healthcare Services: Healthcare chatbots can assist users in understanding their BMI and guide them to appropriate health services or resources.
  • Fitness Apps: Fitness apps can integrate chatbots to offer real-time BMI calculations for users inputting their height and weight.

Key Takeaways

In these use cases, you can see the great potential of connecting 0CodeKit applications to Zapier. From generating social media images for posts, creating customized graphs and charts for data representation to using chatbots for BMI calculations, these workflows are intentionally built to make your work easier with effective task management.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.