Upcoming Changes to Our Pricing: More Credits, Same Price!

We’re updating our pricing model to offer more flexibility and align credit usage with resource demand. All plans will now include 10 times more credits.

September 30, 2024

We have some important changes regarding our pricing model. Don't worry – your prices aren’t changing, only the way credits function is changing to make everything more flexible and fair. In this blog, we'll detail what is being altered, why that’s the case and how it's of your advantage to you.  

Why Are We Changing the Pricing?

Since the platform has expanded, the amount of power that is required to support everything (CPU, RAM, etc.) has also grown. Nevertheless, our services use a lot of AI and code executors which require more resources to offer the expected speeds as well as reliability. If they are to continue to operate at the level, we want them to, certain costs for those resources need to be revised.

Due to these major upgrades and because it’s increasingly more costly to maintain our infrastructure, we are now adopting a new pricing structure that will more accurately reflect the number of resources used by each feature. This ensures that you’re only paying for what you use, and nothing more. And to make sure you still get the best value, we’re giving every plan 10 times more credits.

What's Changing?

Instead of receiving several credits, we’re multiplying the number of credits you get by 10. This applies to all plans, and therefore regardless of the plans you have subscribed to, free or paid plan, the extra credits increase exponentially according to this new calculation.

  • If you have 25 credits in the Free Plan, it will now be 250 credits.  
  • If you have 5.000 credits in the Starter Plan, it will now be 50.000 credits.  
  • If you have 25.000 credits in the Professional Plan, it will now be 250.000 credits.  
  • If you have 125.000 credits in the Company Plan, it will now be 1.250.000 credits.  

This will allow you more freedom in how you use the functions of our platform. However, there is also a change in how many credits a function requires. Since some functions are more demanding (they need more computational power), they will cost you more credits whereas others, less.  

New Credit Usage System

We have introduced a new system where every function can be classified into one of 9 credit categories based on the amount of computational resources required. The higher the category, the more credits it will cost to execute that specific function.

To make this even clearer, we have come up with coefficients which detail the degree by which the cost of credit has been altered in any of the functions.

  • If the coefficient of a function is equal to 1, then credits do not change.
  • If a function has a number greater than 1, it is because the function now requires more credits to execute.  
  • If the coefficient of a function is less than 1, it means that the function now requires fewer credits to execute.  

A detailed breakdown of which functions are more or less expensive can be accessed here.

How Does This Impact Existing Customers?

To our current users, nothing changes – you still pay the same price if you are using our services. The cost of your plan will not change, and you will get the new number of credits after the changes take place. There is really nothing for you to do but to enjoy!

All Things Considered

  • Prices aren’t increasing – only the number of credits is changing.
  • You’ll receive 10 times more credits in every plan.
  • We’re introducing a new credit usage system based on the computational power of each function.
  • Existing customers aren’t affected by the price – only how credits are spent.

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