Visualize and Manage Your Endpoint Usage Data on 0CodeKit

Efficiently manage endpoint usage on 0CodeKit! Understand usage tables, visualize data with charts & control active resources to optimize performance & cost.

July 4, 2024

The need for proper control over endpoint usage on our platforms can be fundamental in terms of performance, cost-effectiveness, and resource utilization. Thus, effective endpoint management can help users to get an understanding of how endpoints are working, find possible problems, and make the right decisions to improve their experience. This blog is designed to help you navigate through the important components of the endpoint management, starting with the usage table and further focusing on data visualization and the active resource.

1. Understanding the Usage Table

In particular, the usage table is the primary means of observing and controlling the endpoints of our platform. It offers an overview of all the endpoint activities, giving data points that would enable users to understand how such endpoints are being used. Specifically, the usage table tracks:

  • Endpoint Usage: Determines which endpoints were called.
  • Credit Consumption: Indicates the number of credits that each action needs or used up.  
  • Timestamps: Captures the date and time when each step was taken exactly.  

This way, you will get a complete picture of how the endpoints are utilized, which actions consume the most credits, and when they are performed.

2. Visualizing Data with Usage Charts

Endpoint Usage Chart

The Endpoint Usage Chart assists in identifying trends in the consumption of credits. This chart is useful for tracking each endpoint's credit cost and identifying patterns and problems with usage.

Axes Explanation:  

  • Credit Cost (Y-Axis): Stands for the total number of credits used.  
  • Time (X-Axis): Refers to the time span of the last 30 days.

This chart shows the trend of credit cost for users to track the frequency of their credit usage. Credit costs are plotted over time and users can notice patterns like high or low consumption rates and identify any irregularities concerning the utilization of endpoints.

Time Trends Chart

The Time Trends Chart diverges from the others because it deals with the occurrences of the endpoints instead of comparison on a continuum. This chart is useful to make oneself aware of how often a particular endpoint is required in the context, so that more resources can be allocated to it if necessary or so that fewer endpoints can be used if unnecessary.

Axes Explanation:  

  • Endpoint Occurrences (Y-Axis): Indicates the frequency of an endpoint.
  • Endpoints Used (X-Axis): Represents the various endpoints that are being used.

This chart employs the use of bars to depict the frequency of each endpoint so that the most used endpoints can easily be identified. Endpoint monitoring is important to know how the endpoints are being used and which are most vital, need more support.

3. Managing Active Resources

In the resources tab, one of the newest tools on our platform, users can easily control several active resources. This tool is useful for endpoint management, since it provides access to view and manage scheduled tasks, shortened URL links, global variables, and JSON bin storage. All these options enable users to manage their applications smoothly and efficiently.  

  • Scheduler: The scheduler interface shows all the currently running scheduled jobs.
  • Shortened URL: It shows all the currently active shortened URLs on the interface.
  • Global Variables: It also features a list of all the global variables that have been defined in the program.
  • JSON Bin: All the stored JSON bins are shown as a list on the interface.


Having gained the knowledge of how to manage and control endpoints on 0CodeKit, you can now increase your application’s efficiency, improve your expenses and active resources. Now, you're able to analyze our data with usage charts/tables, and manage active resources, which will help you make wise decisions.

Are you curious about 0CodeKit or do you need further assistance? You might find the following blogs helpful:

  • Complete Handbook: Discover all the tools and development methods that our platform has to offer.

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